Modern Warfare 2 Player Retention Is Trash


Modern Warfare II Has Lost Its Players

January 4, 2023 by Epic Black

Modern Warfare II

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II has had problems since its release. Glitched lobbies, unintentionally muted party guests, bad spawns, the list goes on. Season 01, Midseason Shipment Map was a map that many players were looking forward to due to its close-quarter gunplay. After playing multiple matches and completing the BattlePass, the urge to continue playing this season is nonexistent.

Playing this game triggered my undiagnosed PTSD like Rambo. Even contemplating launching the game feels like a chore. The run-and-gun playstyle is gone; it’s now like you have to strategically check corners and dark areas for enemy players that like to launch deployable shields and lay on their bellies.

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